We are an ESCo - UNI CEI 11352
The UNI CEI 11352 standard "Energy management - Companies providing energy services (ESCo) - General requirements and checklist for the verification of the requirements" is the Italian standard that establishes the minimum requirements for companies that want to play the role of Energy Service Company (ESCo). The standard outlines the minimum requirements for energy efficiency services and the skills (organizational, diagnostic, planning, management, economic and financial) that the ESCo must possess in order to offer these activities to its customers: it also assigns a checklist for the verification of the capabilities of ESCos. Among the requisites, the request to have an Expert in Energy Management (EGE, certified according to UNI CEI 11339 or in possession of the required requisites) in its staff is present.

We count two EGE - UNI CEI 11339
The energy management expert (EGE) is a professional figure certified according to the UNI CEI 11339: 2009 standard. As explained by the standard, the EGE is the "entity that has the knowledge, experience and capacity necessary to manage the use of energy efficiently". The standard establishes parameters (assessed on the basis of the curriculum vitae and studies of the person who wishes to qualify) that are essential for obtaining the qualification.
With two EGEs in its management, Tecnozenith operates with competence and professionalism in the field of ESCos; this allows to identify effective and technologically advanced solutions, functional to satisfy in a personalized way the real needs of the Customer.

We are ISO 9001: 2015 certified
ISO 9001 (last revision in 2015) is the reference standard for those who want to subject their production process to quality control on a cyclical basis, starting from the definition of the requirements (expressed or not) of the customers, up to the monitoring of the entire process /productive process.
The customer and his satisfaction are at the heart of ISO 9001; every activity, application and monitoring of the activities / processes are in fact aimed at determining the maximum satisfaction of the end user. The phases of application of the standard start from the definition of the procedures and records for each individual process or macro process identified within the company organization.

We are ISO 14001: 2015 certified
The ISO 14001 certification provides organizations with the foundations for an effective environmental management system which, integrated with other management needs, is a support to achieve sustainability objectives.
It is important to note that the ISO 14001 certification does not attest to a particular environmental performance, nor does it demonstrate a particularly low impact, but rather demonstrates that the certified organization has an adequate management system to keep the environmental impacts of its activities under control, and systematically seeks improvement in a coherent, effective and above all sustainable way. It is also useful to underline that ISO 14001 is not a product certification.
We are CQOP SOA certified
C.Q.O.P. SOA S.p.A. issues qualification certificates to the execution of Italian public works since November 2000.
The SOA certification is required for companies wishing to participate in tenders and the execution of public works for amounts exceeding € 150,000.00.
The certification has a duration of five years, with verification of the maintenance of the requirements in the third year.

What the future holds
We are working to obtain new results that allow us to better meet the needs of our customers. Stay tuned!

We are working to obtain new results that allow us to better meet the needs of our customers. Stay tuned!

What the future holds
We are working to obtain new results that allow us to better meet the needs of our customers. Stay tuned!

What the future holds
A qualified team
We have worked hard to be an advanced company, discover all the certifications that make us unique.